A global leader in food and beverage ingredients.
Since 2020 we have re-organised our diverse portfolio into distinct operating groups, 每个人都有明确的目的, 愿景与策略. 用更专注的方法, each operating group can take advantage of market opportunities, 吸引人才, 优化资源, 并投资于必要的资产和能力,以实现有利可图的增长,并在持续的基础上建立长期价值.
A global leader in food and beverage ingredients.
A market-leading and differentiated food, 饲料, and fibre global agri-business.
孵化增长引擎, 培育孕育中的企业, and responsibly divesting and redeploying capital through Nupo合资企业, Mindsprint和推荐买球平台全球控股公司.
ofi 在食品和饮料消费趋势的最前沿,配料的全球领导者是否提供可持续的产品, 自然 and plant-based ingredients and solutions and serving large, 具有吸引力和高增长的最终用途 类别.
推荐买球平台阿勒 is a market-leading and differentiated food, 饲料, 而全球纤维农业企业则专注于高增长的新兴终端消费市场,以满足对主食日益增长的需求, agri-industrial raw materials and the shift to protein-based diets.
We are focused on building operating capabilities in high-growth emerging markets. We are one of the leaders in flour and pasta manufacturing in 非洲; integrated animal 饲料 in 尼日利亚; and as a global rice and cotton merchant.
推荐几个足彩外围app正在探索战略选择,以使推荐几个足彩外围app剩余业务的价值最大化(剩余推荐几个足彩外围app), while taking these businesses to full potential.
Nupo合资企业是一家专注于“数字化”和“可持续性”的初创企业成长计划的孵化器。. 推荐几个足彩外围app为农民和客户提供一套行业领先的供应链解决方案,并专注于五个关键举措.
Mindsprint draws on its experience in supporting the 推荐几个足彩外围app as its shared services arm. 包括科技服务, 网络安全, Digital and Global Business Services spanning end-to-end business operations, Mindsprint提供独特的服务,并正在寻求在现有领域之外开发新的服务.
W在这里 can I find more information about your Company’s strategy?
You may wish to view or download the Company’s investor presentation 在这里 了解更多有关其战略的信息,或下载推荐几个足彩外围app的推荐买球平台情况说明书,了解推荐几个足彩外围app公司的战略摘要.
What time frame does your Company’s strategy cover?
推荐几个足彩外围app的增长目标包括每个运营集团和整个集团设定的财务指标. We measure and track Group financial metrics, 包括息税前利润, 息税前利润(EBIT), Profit After Tax and Minority Interest (PATMI), 操作PATMI, ROIC, 罗伊, EBIT on average invested capital (IC) and Free Cash Flow From Operations. 在运营集团层面, 盈利指标为息税前利润, EBIT margin (ofi) or EBIT per tonne (推荐买球平台阿勒), 和息税前利润/集成电路.